I love free resources. I will always check them out. But when I see what Ability Ministry offers on their resource page and the quality of what they are giving away, it's amazing! Whether you are …
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5 Ways Counselors Can Support Pastors
I do not take it for granted that there are a lot of Christian counselors in our audience who have a heart to see the Church grow in its efforts towards mental health. I want to issue a challenge to …
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Work Hard Even When Motivated
This is chapter three of the Quit Giving Up ebook. You can get the whole thing in our shop now!When you are feeling down, depressed, rejected, or exhausted, it’s hard to find motivation. That’s the …
5 Ways The Church Perpetuates Religious OCD
Today I'd like to write to the Church and why we should not only be aware of the mental health struggle of Religious OCD but also ask ourselves some hard but necessary questions.I'm writing this as …
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Is Suicide An Unforgivable Sin?
Last week we had the precursor discussion on when it is appropriate and the barriers that can come up about discussing the theological implications of suicide for an individual and their eternal …
The Costs of Everything
This is chapter two of the Quit Giving Up ebook. You can get the whole thing in our shop now!Sometimes motivation looks at the philosophical understanding of goals, other times we need to get …