Previously, we shared statistics on substance abuse and overdose impacting America and today wanted to couple it with mental health statistics. The following mental health statistics are for adults …
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Anxious For Nothing [Book Review]
Anxiety at it's best is something that can help motivate someone, but in reality, we tend to overdo it. When anxiety hits, we find ourselves fixated on things we cannot control. At it's worse, it …
Why Are You Missing Out On Date Night? Why It’s A Problem.
With February right around the corner, conversations of a romantic date are in the air. Reservations are being made, roses are being purchased, and babysitters are starting to come in short supply. …
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We Will Be At Inclusion Fusion Live!
On April 5, 2019, we will be in Cleveland, OH attending Inclusion Fusion Live!, a conference hosted by Key Ministry. We will be present at the "Mental Health Inclusion Ministry" and "Starting A …
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Why Did God Allow This To Happen? [Devotional]
Trauma can happen in any number of forms. Being caught up in a wildfire or flooding, being in, near, or closely linked to a shooting, being the victim or witness of rape, domestic violence, or a car …
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A Christian Suicide Prevention Ministry: TWLOHA
We talk about the Church needing to step up with regards to mental health. No greater need from the Church is present than crisis services and suicide prevention and we've talked about how churches …
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