Welcome to 2019. A new year, a fresh start. And for Christian bloggers, it seems it is a time to put down those who enjoy coming up with New Years Resolutions. In fact, Gospel Coalition has five …
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Prayer As A Coping Skill
Prayer is one of the essential tools a Christian needs to learn in their journey with God. Throughout the last two thousand years, we have seen prayer take many forms, including praying in tongues, …
Dreamland [Book Review]
If you have watched the news for the past 4 years, if you are involved with your local and state communities, or if you are involved in counseling, you know of the opiate epidemic. My experience as a …
Taking The Stress Out Of Money
You may have heard several conversations about money within the Church. From the necessary "tithe your percentage to the church" sermon, being part of a small group on Financial Peace University by …
Is It Okay For Pastors To Have Anxiety? [Devotional]
When I worked in youth ministry, whether within a church or in a parachurch setting, I discovered a little secret pastors don't tell anyone. They are human just like everyone else and stress and …
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Christian Marital and Premarital Curriculum
Marriage is hard. Think about being in a relationship with someone, them knowing all of your deepest flaws and you knowing theirs. Further, your understanding of family, finances, or sex is different …
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