Mental health is a very defined practice which for the past one hundred years has been established, refined, regulated, and researched. The formal definition says "a person’s condition with regard to …
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Shame Of Mental Health
The pain of a physical wound is difficult. Think about the last time you smashed your toe on something, gave yourself a paper cut, or bruised yourself from some physical activity. But we have doctors …
7 Scriptures Of Hope
The past couple of articles noted some shortcomings with the Church and mental health. The reproach may be necessary, but we should have hope in our faith and in our salvation. The Scripture below …
Is Mental Health Taboo? Pastors Think So.
Nearly twenty percent of people struggle with mental health at any one time in the lives yet sixty percent of them did not receive any treatment for it according to the National Alliance on Mental …
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Can Christians Go To Counseling?
Answering this question is foundational to the purpose of this entire website. Without answering this question, we have no reason to continue in discussing how mental health can collaborate with the …