Answering this question is foundational to the purpose of this entire website. Without answering this question, we have no reason to continue in discussing how mental health can collaborate with the …
Uniting the Church and mental health
We believe in the concept of self-care, not only for clients in a counseling session, but for all people, including Christians. It’s not a quick fix or a selfish act. Instead, self-care is about stewardship, discipline, and boundaries to not only address thoughts and emotions internally, but to deepen your faith commitment with God and relationship with Him.
And while it is very important, we know that many people do not know how to do it well. So we created a list of self-care techniques and skills you can do to improve for yourself. Along with that, we even give you a way to assess your current self-care, how to identify ways to improve it that works for you, and next steps to make the changes last.
Check out this resource and more at our online shop.